Meeting and Exceeding Excellence in the K-12 Classroom: Active Engagement Strategies to Enhance Teaching and Learning with Discovery Education

Educators will put their student hats on to understand the what and how of active engagement. The session opens with an SOS activator to stimulate educators’ thinking around the topic of engagement. After level setting the definition of engagement, Discovery Education strategies are shared and explored as levers to inspire curiosity and learning engagement. Questioning and summarizing skills are connected to engagement and participants continue their learning around SOS strategies that can be used to level up engagement in their classroom. Participants are given exploration time as well as grade-band examples in order to make classroom connections. Ready-to-use activities from Discovery Education are highlighted as a way to support skills and strategies. The session closes with a call to action on the next steps for implementation.

Date & Time
Friday, July 12, 2024, 1:05 PM - 2:15 PM
Session Number
Session 4